Interesting. A clash of a bit of everything. Individual bits are great, like the foliage near the queue and exit on the right side, and the broken up path.
It is clearly rough around the edges but I enjoy the impressive scale and immersion you've created here. It feels a lot like Project Anti style work. Keep it up.
I like the flower-path arrangement on the right. That area feels a bit too open though. It needs something, also because I don't think the coaster is very good looking by itself.
Comment System Offline
posix Offline
Interesting. A clash of a bit of everything. Individual bits are great, like the foliage near the queue and exit on the right side, and the broken up path.
Milo Fan Offline
It is clearly rough around the edges but I enjoy the impressive scale and immersion you've created here. It feels a lot like Project Anti style work. Keep it up.
G Force Offline
The Archy and landscaping is all quite good though, definitely on a good path here.
csw Offline
this is strange
Liampie Offline
Like a dream.
I like the flower-path arrangement on the right. That area feels a bit too open though. It needs something, also because I don't think the coaster is very good looking by itself.