Screenshot / Fantasy Mine
17-January 19
The Conquests of Quinlan Quinto
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- Comments 15
I haven’t posted a screenshot in ages, but I’m still working on a few projects. This isn’t the most finished screenshot, but it shows some progress. Still needs foliage and work along the mountainside :P Louis put together this layout for me. In fact, a number of layouts in this park are his handiwork. Let me know what you think...
2 fans
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That station is bomb. Love the roof work. Terrain definitely needs more work though.
Wow this is inspiring. Love the Archy/general vibe here. Not sure I like the yellow mine train track, I think Id prefer that brown. But that's just a personal preference thing.
#datflow louis
Feels Miyazaki-ish for whatever reason. Great work!
I dig it.
I hope you will break up that large strip of brown path somehow. Rest is looking great though. Really cool architecture and coaster layout. I'm curious how you're going to tackle the landscaping.
I love it so far
Alfy Offline
Wow, this is amazing. Love all the buildings, especially the station and all the theming.
I'm an absolute sucker for this type of coaster.
so nice! i'd go with solid walls for that station or at least make it a bit sturdier looking to support that big roof
Love it!
Thanks guys... I'll make some adjustments there alex
That's a nice screen with heart and good saturated colours.