Great work Scoop, the archy is very good. That pink-round building is topnotch! I'd recommand to put more brightful colored flowers in the planters. Looking forward to see some more of this! You steppin' ya game up boy.
The yellow/golden roofed structures on the lower right could benefit from slight touch ups, I think. The colour of the roofs makes the corner stand out, though I feel it'd be better if it rather blended into the scene instead. Maybe it works out better in the larger picture.The archy is indeed very good! Here is the video to go with it.
Great work Scoop, the archy is very good. That pink-round building is topnotch! I'd recommand to put more brightful colored flowers in the planters. Looking forward to see some more of this! You steppin' ya game up boy.
Love this!
Your pace on this is inspiring, dude.
The yellow/golden roofed structures on the lower right could benefit from slight touch ups, I think. The colour of the roofs makes the corner stand out, though I feel it'd be better if it rather blended into the scene instead. Maybe it works out better in the larger picture.The archy is indeed very good!
Keep this flow. It's fantastic.
Beautiful textures and colors, love it!
I like these yellow roofs! Very nice archy overall. Maybe the bridge is blending too much with the path.
Holy fuck this is good
about time, been waiting for you to reach this level.