This is really classy, and the spaciousness of it all feels quintessential Cedar Fair to me. I kinda wish the hyper had brighter or more obnoxious coloring, but that's pretty minor. The station and gift shop have enough interesting textures and small touches to give that themed utilitarian feel that a lot of CF themes tend to be. Just really classy overall.
The mesh spots on the inclined tiles look awkward. They look okay on flat land though. The uniform grass texture is probably enough to carry the space on its own since it is supposed to be spaced out. I love the ornament above the queue entrance.
Thanks guys, I'll look into cleaning up the grass and fence bits. I've actually been trying to think of a way to do a sloped mowed grass object for a while but just don't know how to pull it off. Might look into it going forward now.
This is really classy, and the spaciousness of it all feels quintessential Cedar Fair to me. I kinda wish the hyper had brighter or more obnoxious coloring, but that's pretty minor. The station and gift shop have enough interesting textures and small touches to give that themed utilitarian feel that a lot of CF themes tend to be. Just really classy overall.
The mesh spots on the inclined tiles look awkward. They look okay on flat land though. The uniform grass texture is probably enough to carry the space on its own since it is supposed to be spaced out. I love the ornament above the queue entrance.
thats very lovely. good atmosphere. i like those really thin pole objects or something you've used on the station roof
Thanks guys, I'll look into cleaning up the grass and fence bits. I've actually been trying to think of a way to do a sloped mowed grass object for a while but just don't know how to pull it off. Might look into it going forward now.
the station is a charm
Attached Thumbnails
The coloring and composition seems so thoughtful in this shot. It really makes it stunning as a whole.
Always been jealous of your eye of detail. Sg.