the houses. the fountain. the MILL. the fu*kin foliage.
could you do me a favor and tell me what workbench you used for this park? where can i get it? or is it made by you? i'd love to use it for my next park.
PT3-bench which is used on 5Dave's Canthose Valley Theme Park, and a lot of imported objects through ParkDat. I don't recommend you to build this way, it's very time consuming and frustrating.
could you do me a favor and tell me what workbench you used for this park? where can i get it? or is it made by you? i'd love to use it for my next park.
most of the objects will be found in up to date workbenches. a selection for you below:
Fuck*ng gorgeous!!
Very beautiful Seb.
This is stunning.
really lovely
Wow, this is pretty fucking amazing!
Reminds me of Sea of Sagas a bit, but really good nonetheless!
love how you gave each building identity while maintaining theme
Incredible. Beautiful structures, colours, layout, and a great atmosphere.
All the recent screens make me proud to be Dutch.
the houses. the fountain. the MILL. the fu*kin foliage.
could you do me a favor and tell me what workbench you used for this park? where can i get it? or is it made by you? i'd love to use it for my next park.
PT3-bench which is used on 5Dave's Canthose Valley Theme Park, and a lot of imported objects through ParkDat. I don't recommend you to build this way, it's very time consuming and frustrating.
most of the objects will be found in up to date workbenches. a selection for you below:
thanks guys
that is great, gonna be an awesome park. can't wait!
that mansion with the orange roof at the far right <3, I wish it had more room around it so we could really appreciate its excellence
Kind of has a Canthose/Zippo feel to it.