Screenshot / Entrance plaza


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Scoop%s's Photo

    This looks fantastic.

    I love it.

  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo

    I love this

  • MCI%s's Photo

    This is brilliant

  • bigshootergill%s's Photo
    Damn! Looks stunning!
  • Mattk48%s's Photo

    Wow. im not a fan of ncso, But I love this. Fantastic archy, layout, path details, colours wow. Only nitpick is the grey backstage area roads need some detail but thats probably unfinished anyways, wow. 

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    you integrated those pieces incredibly well, and the path is excellent too. nice work

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Few people have found out how to use these pieces, but you're one of them. This is fantastic.

  • JDP%s's Photo

    ^Exactly my thought. Didnt know this many people do ncso parks now


  • Terry Inferno%s's Photo

    These facades are lovely. As a fellow NCSO builder, I appreciate your ability to integrate large scenery pieces into even larger designs. As a guest, I would gaze upon that magnificent central building and wonder what had happened to the door. 

  • BlazingEmpireHD%s's Photo

    This is sheer brilliance. I love every bit of it. Brimming with atmosphere!

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    Holy mother of....



    Wow. Just wow. I think we found one of the new kings of NCSO.:

  • Daoniyella%s's Photo

    This is absolutly brillant stuff.

  • posix%s's Photo

    Few people have found out how to use these pieces, but you're one of them. This is fantastic.



    Best screen in months. This is the kind of talent I look for on NE. Great creativity paired with taste, healthy amount of detailing, and the right level of modellist vs visionary in a park interpretation.

    I'm so excited for this park.

  • RWE%s's Photo

    This is outstanding!

  • WhosLeon%s's Photo

    thats a spotlight entrance right there

  • Ziscor%s's Photo

    thats a spotlight entrance right there

  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo
    Wow, it got fantastic nice idea with the buildings, loved it :)
  • csw%s's Photo

    This is unreal.

  • J. Taylor%s's Photo

    Few people have found out how to use these pieces, but you're one of them. This is fantastic.

    Thanks Liam! Next up are the sports objects :D Just kidding.
  • Description

    Bonjour et bienvenue! Here is for you the grand new entrance plaza to the park, including ticket boots & customer services and the Main Street Railroad Station, all in a classic all-American theming. This themed area also marks the very first time of me using the city-theme objects, as I've never found a way before to make them work.

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