I think this is the most "you" thing I've seen since Blue Oak from a composition standpoint. There are a few things here that are unique to your style, glad to see it.
The station is better than before, but there's a lot going on.
Probably the best stuff in the park so far, the curves really add a layer to this park that we haven't seen before.
Not a fan of all the red hats though, everything here is super realistic then the immersion and atmosphere is ruined by every guest having a silly red hat.
Great screen, much better than the last one you showed us. I really like the coaster station and the composition of everything. I think I might like this better then the original Coors. Just be careful you're not overusing that steel roof.
Somehow it's not coming together, in my eyes. The back facades at the bottom are ugly and look unfinished, and there's a sign glitching through a tree. The bridge columns cut right through an already busy looking area which doesn't help readability. There's some path type chaos, the coaster exit path is hard to figure out from this angle and thebgrey roof blends with the path.
I think this area would be much better if you made it a little simpler. No brown square path decorations in that street, make the grey roof reddish brown too, no bridge columns, and standardise the fence type for the whole queue. Perhaps get rid of the bend in the exit path.
i really love it, said it before but I'll reiterate. the foliage is wonderful and dense in the back, something I've missed in a lot of realism parks which creep up on the object limit. the waterfront is atmospheric and curvy and frames that area well. it feels tight and bustling but not too cramped. btw the water corner looks a bit weird around those krypton rocks lowered into it
I think this is the most "you" thing I've seen since Blue Oak from a composition standpoint. There are a few things here that are unique to your style, glad to see it.
The station is better than before, but there's a lot going on.
Probably the best stuff in the park so far, the curves really add a layer to this park that we haven't seen before.
Not a fan of all the red hats though, everything here is super realistic then the immersion and atmosphere is ruined by every guest having a silly red hat.
Dem curves tho. Coors is looking T H I C C.
Great screen, much better than the last one you showed us. I really like the coaster station and the composition of everything. I think I might like this better then the original Coors. Just be careful you're not overusing that steel roof.
Somehow it's not coming together, in my eyes. The back facades at the bottom are ugly and look unfinished, and there's a sign glitching through a tree. The bridge columns cut right through an already busy looking area which doesn't help readability. There's some path type chaos, the coaster exit path is hard to figure out from this angle and thebgrey roof blends with the path.
I think this area would be much better if you made it a little simpler. No brown square path decorations in that street, make the grey roof reddish brown too, no bridge columns, and standardise the fence type for the whole queue. Perhaps get rid of the bend in the exit path.
i really love it, said it before but I'll reiterate. the foliage is wonderful and dense in the back, something I've missed in a lot of realism parks which creep up on the object limit. the waterfront is atmospheric and curvy and frames that area well. it feels tight and bustling but not too cramped. btw the water corner looks a bit weird around those krypton rocks lowered into it
I'm on it.