Screenshot / Top Gear
- 21-July 18
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Back from the dead! After being away for RCT2 for quite a bit of time, I am finally back at it again. For those of you wondering what happened to the woodlands park that I was posting, welp...its gone, sadly. The data on my laptop was erased by HP when I sent it in for speaker repairs for whatever reason so it's gone. Sadly I don't have the fortitude to restart it, and now I'm not really focusing on parks, I just want to build awesome rides. This time I'm trying to learn to use basic objects instead of custom ones. I feel I need to learn more about architecture with the original assets, and I want to think more outside the box.
So with all that of the way, Top Gear! Inspired by Test Track, I realized recently that reverse freefall cars are perfect for big dark rides and I haven't seen many concepts like this one, so I gave it a whirl. This is a giga coaster with an excitement of 8, which I was impressed with since its only 45 feet tall at its highest. Better yet, there is not a single chain lift hill inside because cars don't make those sounds. ;P Anyway I hope you all like it (I'm sure some of you might find it a bit bland but I am going for realism, in this case, *shrug*)- it is my first "big" project in a while, and I would like to believe it is vastly superior to the lost woodlands project. Hope to post, whenever I build the next big thing! (Also didn't add any tags because I don't know what is what on ne. Feel free to add them.) Also, please don't forget to vote and/or leave a comment- your opinion matters to me. - Full-Size
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Supersonic Boy Offline
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MrTycoonCoaster Offline
I appreciate any and all kind of RCT work, because we can see the imagination and creativity of the players.
All work on RCT is always welcome, fun and interesting to enjoy.
Continue with your work, anxious to see.
][ntamin22 Offline
Very cool. The glass over the entry is a neat solution.
Supersonic Boy Offline
Not a whole lot of input-