Why did you use the b&m track for elements you are given with the premier track (don't say because ones an inline twist and other is a heart line roll, thats petty even for me). You should stick to one style of track to really help clean it up. You also placed both those signature RMC over bank hills going the same way on the same side; which makes the ride feel like one idea split two times between two diagonal areas of track we cant see. Switch up some of your elements and dont be afraid to get out of your comfort zone... this in an RMC we are talking about here. You got the right idea, keep at it brah
The supports look so thin. Same as the track you used. Nice station building.
Buddy are you talking shit about Mzima
I agree about the supports, but I'm not a big fan of the station. It suffers from square frame syndrome, which makes it lose structure/aesthetic value. I also agree with what JDP says, you should always value track consistency, the Premier track is too different from the B&M track, it looks pretty ugly Layout is good, sad to see it being scrapped.
this has the makings of a great piece of work. the layout is very creative, if a bit weak in places. concentrate on finishing projects, the best way to improve is to learn from your mistakes. It's easy to spend forever trying to perfect things but it doesn't help us any.
The supports look so thin. Same as the track you used. Nice station building.
I've got a more unique perspective on this being an engineer, so I'll try to offer some more technical advice on that. Right now, you've got mostly squares/rectangles everywhere. You need more triangles! With wooden structures, you need diagonal elements for stability, so get some bracing in there. Check out the supports I did for the RMC in Haystack for some guidance, notice that everything is triangular. Adding these in, the supports are going to look a lot more solid and a lot less "thin".
Not bad, few things...
Why did you use the b&m track for elements you are given with the premier track (don't say because ones an inline twist and other is a heart line roll, thats petty even for me). You should stick to one style of track to really help clean it up. You also placed both those signature RMC over bank hills going the same way on the same side; which makes the ride feel like one idea split two times between two diagonal areas of track we cant see. Switch up some of your elements and dont be afraid to get out of your comfort zone... this in an RMC we are talking about here. You got the right idea, keep at it brah
The supports look so thin. Same as the track you used. Nice station building.
Buddy are you talking shit about Mzima
I agree about the supports, but I'm not a big fan of the station. It suffers from square frame syndrome, which makes it lose structure/aesthetic value. I also agree with what JDP says, you should always value track consistency, the Premier track is too different from the B&M track, it looks pretty ugly
I liked the idea
this has the makings of a great piece of work. the layout is very creative, if a bit weak in places. concentrate on finishing projects, the best way to improve is to learn from your mistakes. It's easy to spend forever trying to perfect things but it doesn't help us any.
I've got a more unique perspective on this being an engineer, so I'll try to offer some more technical advice on that. Right now, you've got mostly squares/rectangles everywhere. You need more triangles! With wooden structures, you need diagonal elements for stability, so get some bracing in there. Check out the supports I did for the RMC in Haystack for some guidance, notice that everything is triangular. Adding these in, the supports are going to look a lot more solid and a lot less "thin".
EDIT: The RMC supports in Mzima were pretty good too, don't forget to check that one out as well.
No, the use of MK Path in Mzima is awesome
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