I think the suspended monorail was my favorite thing in the park. that section in the middle where the colored buildings make a sort of bridge is the best too IMO
In a park where all of the other rides are supported and cleverly anchored to their surroundings, the floating invert seemed inconsistent and somewhat out of place. Even though this is a fantasy park, this coaster doesn't match the level of realism that the structural connectedness of everything else in the park implies.
I think the suspended monorail was my favorite thing in the park. that section in the middle where the colored buildings make a sort of bridge is the best too IMO
In a park where all of the other rides are supported and cleverly anchored to their surroundings, the floating invert seemed inconsistent and somewhat out of place. Even though this is a fantasy park, this coaster doesn't match the level of realism that the structural connectedness of everything else in the park implies.
I agree with Terry. This is a lovely mess, though.
I can't even imagine how difficult this must have been to build.