Screenshot / Forgotten Mekong Rocket
- 05-May 18
- Views 1,927
- Fans 6
- Comments 11
Much of the back base was designed with this vista in mind. I realized here how useful those half-height pole objects can be- I thought they were just silly at first, but I love how the lettering and little american flag came out on the rocket
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SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
Wasn't the Vietnam War just swell?
robbie92 Fan Offline
This was just an incredible vista. It's not often that something in RCT feels properly cinematic, but this felt truly cinematic. I also really appreciate the subtle arc of the waterfall; it made it feel a lot realer to me.
G Force Offline
Good boy.
FredD Offline
Not surprised you worked on this, you are so good with the game.
BlazingEmpireHD Offline
Poke Offline
Louis! Fan Offline
best rct waterfall ever?
Liampie Offline
'Cinematic' is definitely the best word to describe this scene.
Julow Offline
Loved this scene ! Just a bit too bad the "temple" on top of the waterfalls was too clean and repetitive overall.. Nevermind this park was awesome.
MrTycoonCoaster Offline
incredible vista (nice)
Cocoa Offline
thank you