How can one not love a good Flying Dutchman.
Doesn't feel much like a screen from a H2H park though.
early h2h parks are sort of like 50x50 chunks of a solo from then. none of the planning/pacing/composition of the parks is any different than the usual, compared to today where maps are tight and focused
This isn't the best, but it isn't bad either.
By Evil WME and cg?, from H2H2.
How can one not love a good Flying Dutchman.
Doesn't feel much like a screen from a H2H park though.
early h2h parks are sort of like 50x50 chunks of a solo from then. none of the planning/pacing/composition of the parks is any different than the usual, compared to today where maps are tight and focused
This isn't the best, but it isn't bad either.