Wow, this is an amazing pic! Didn't even realised that this is complete nsco until i saw the tag. Loving all here: the coaster layout, the fences, the trees, the building
How did you do that beige!?! Really, I NEED to know!
I think this is in the running to be one of my favorite ncso works of all time. The fresh ideas, gorgeous colors, contrast-heavy aesthetic, and insane use of objects is just fucking incredible.
I love this. Take your 90%.
Please finish Universal's Jurassic Island with me after H2H.
Magnificent. Certainly helps with the hype factor. My only concern is that the spacing of the trains signals poorly timed dispatches. It's a great effect for the screen to have 3 trains in view, I just hope in the release that they are spaced out in a balanced manner.
Great screen. Took me a while to realize this is NCSO. The custom colors are great, and I'll look past the few custom path types (dark brick, and the diagonal path pieces), because the rest of this is so well done my jaw is on the floor. The supports, while they still look like a bunch of stacked objects that I recognize because I've been playing this game too long, are honestly incredibly created given what I just said. They look properly scaled, and the connections work. I really, really like that. The larger trees really work, took me a while to realize they are trees with flower objects and not completely custom tree objects. I love the interaction with the loop, the tree adds so much and gives it something to frame, great idea. The trenches may seem kind of forced, but who cares they're baller and I like it.
Keep it up. Stuff like this is such a joy to look at.
Awesome. I had my doubts about the dark brick before, but now it isn't nearly as overpowering since you managed to balance it out with the light colors here. I love the refreshing look, and the trackitecture is flawless. No complaints from me.
Thanks everyone! Really happy to hear people like this so much.
The beige/off-white is indeed a custom water file. I've posted it in the custom scenery exchange, you can find the topic here.
The reason why there are three trains in the screenshot is because i cropped it together from three individual screens - one where the drop tower car was in the right position, one for the red train and one for the orange train. I cut & pasted the bit of the red train near the drop tower on the screenshot of the orange train, but i didn't realize that on the orange train screen the red train was also visible after the turnaround. In reality there's only two trains on the coaster.
Also, the only diagonal path block i'm using is for the crazy path. The diagonal brick path at the turnaround was done using some visual trickery, by lowering the land and filling every gap up with path.
This looks neat, but I don't get why people insist on calling screens with custom scenery ncso.
There's only a single item here that is fully custom, and that's the brick path. As far as i know, NCSO stands for "no custom scenery objects", and paths are seperate from small/large scenery objects. Then there's about 4 objects that are custom objects (1K fog, diagonal crazy path, support blocker and blacktiles) but they're all derived from the base game - there's no fully custom-made objects used. I'd argue it doesn't classify as custom scenery.
You don't need support blockers in Open. Either move the surface above the track in the tile inspector order, or use a full tile object to remove them, then use tile inspector to move it underground.
the custom palette is really pretty cool with those walls. I think there's a bit too much light/dark contrast with the brick paths.
Didn't even realize this was ncso. Very cool.
Stunning use of NCSO! Is that beige color on the monorail even in the RCT2 color palette?
Great work here! I'd love to see you put a full ncso park together.
Wow, this is an amazing pic! Didn't even realised that this is complete nsco until i saw the tag. Loving all here: the coaster layout, the fences, the trees, the building
Wow, what a awesome screenshot.
How did you do that beige!?! Really, I NEED to know!
I think this is in the running to be one of my favorite ncso works of all time. The fresh ideas, gorgeous colors, contrast-heavy aesthetic, and insane use of objects is just fucking incredible.
I love this. Take your 90%.
Please finish Universal's Jurassic Island with me after H2H.
This is breath-taking, and that beige wall really adds an extra effect to this...
I really like the coaster; it's fun and unique and that loop element is sick interacting with the path.
Now, I'm like super stoked you're in the draft!
Great screen. Took me a while to realize this is NCSO. The custom colors are great, and I'll look past the few custom path types (dark brick, and the diagonal path pieces), because the rest of this is so well done my jaw is on the floor. The supports, while they still look like a bunch of stacked objects that I recognize because I've been playing this game too long, are honestly incredibly created given what I just said. They look properly scaled, and the connections work. I really, really like that. The larger trees really work, took me a while to realize they are trees with flower objects and not completely custom tree objects. I love the interaction with the loop, the tree adds so much and gives it something to frame, great idea. The trenches may seem kind of forced, but who cares they're baller and I like it.
Keep it up. Stuff like this is such a joy to look at.
Thanks everyone! Really happy to hear people like this so much.
The beige/off-white is indeed a custom water file. I've posted it in the custom scenery exchange, you can find the topic here.
The reason why there are three trains in the screenshot is because i cropped it together from three individual screens - one where the drop tower car was in the right position, one for the red train and one for the orange train. I cut & pasted the bit of the red train near the drop tower on the screenshot of the orange train, but i didn't realize that on the orange train screen the red train was also visible after the turnaround. In reality there's only two trains on the coaster.
Also, the only diagonal path block i'm using is for the crazy path. The diagonal brick path at the turnaround was done using some visual trickery, by lowering the land and filling every gap up with path.
There's only a single item here that is fully custom, and that's the brick path. As far as i know, NCSO stands for "no custom scenery objects", and paths are seperate from small/large scenery objects. Then there's about 4 objects that are custom objects (1K fog, diagonal crazy path, support blocker and blacktiles) but they're all derived from the base game - there's no fully custom-made objects used. I'd argue it doesn't classify as custom scenery.
You don't need support blockers in Open. Either move the surface above the track in the tile inspector order, or use a full tile object to remove them, then use tile inspector to move it underground.
^ I'm with Wouter on that, except for the 1K fog and the brick path
I'm counting at least four .dats that do not come with the game. The palette is the most notable. This doesn't even look like normal RCT2.