That building is massive! And 90% roof. Definitely some good stuff though. The pumpkin is very well done, the marshy areas are a good idea, and the colours are great overall. This is a fine debut screen.
Nah, seriously, this looks pretty good. Pumpkin is very well done indeed. Perhaps try and make your roofing more 'you.' Add maybe another level, or add windows; separate yourself from other work!
You definitely have the creative skill and ideas, but its the execution that needs some love. Like Liam said, that roof is massive and could use some extra detail. Think of things like railings, a few towers, chimneys... That sort of stuff.
One of the best tips to improve achitecture is to look at real life buildings and focus on the details that make them come alive. The drain pipes, shutters, window sills... That sort of stuff.
You have the basics, now it's just a matter of building upon that and you'll see you'll make great progress!
That building is massive! And 90% roof. Definitely some good stuff though. The pumpkin is very well done, the marshy areas are a good idea, and the colours are great overall. This is a fine debut screen.
Ringin' in on yer defeat, aye ya lad!?
Nah, seriously, this looks pretty good. Pumpkin is very well done indeed. Perhaps try and make your roofing more 'you.' Add maybe another level, or add windows; separate yourself from other work!
Welcome to New Element!
You definitely have the creative skill and ideas, but its the execution that needs some love. Like Liam said, that roof is massive and could use some extra detail. Think of things like railings, a few towers, chimneys... That sort of stuff.
One of the best tips to improve achitecture is to look at real life buildings and focus on the details that make them come alive. The drain pipes, shutters, window sills... That sort of stuff.
You have the basics, now it's just a matter of building upon that and you'll see you'll make great progress!