everything is gorgeous! except those square fountains. they look weird imo
Is this PT2?
Why the TG sign? This is CSO; you can use objects to achieve that much better.
This is probably the one time I'd say that the Texas Giant sign (and track) isn't working and you should try something else.
I agree with all of the above. Else looks lovely, Ion! Keep it up!
Holy shit this is good! Not at all bothered by the sign and track actually... Maybe it's a better idea to use the same purple on the shutters as you have on the roofs.
Wonderful stuff Ion!
A bit messy, but nice. The two tall towers need windows on the top floor.
Happy NE Awards / H2H everyone! Decided to scrap the original entrance for the park. Feedback welcome below!!! also listen to my new album https://soundcloud.com/ionzer0/sets/hello-world-part-one
everything is gorgeous! except those square fountains. they look weird imo
Is this PT2?
Why the TG sign? This is CSO; you can use objects to achieve that much better.
This is probably the one time I'd say that the Texas Giant sign (and track) isn't working and you should try something else.
I agree with all of the above. Else looks lovely, Ion! Keep it up!
Holy shit this is good! Not at all bothered by the sign and track actually... Maybe it's a better idea to use the same purple on the shutters as you have on the roofs.
Wonderful stuff Ion!
A bit messy, but nice. The two tall towers need windows on the top floor.