I am loving this work, Fred. My only suggestion is maybe add some sort of fence between the temple and the path so wildly guests don't go up and mess with the temple.
The scale is really great and it's really great to see that you're also improving your micro skills at the moment. I would prefer those brown walls on the right hand side a bit more textured, maybe add some bricks for a cooler looking. Also maybe try out grey instead of white for the rope fence.
But all in all amazing stuff, i'm really loving it! Hoping to see this released soon!
This looks amazing. While I don't like those style of fences they do work here. If I were you I'd move the fountain back a space or two, it looks odd with that little space in front of it.
And @Jappy, the Temple of fear was a planned expansion for bobbejaanland, but the Schoepens decided to built the speedy bob instead. It was supposed to be an indoor darkride waterride combo, and it looks like FredD did a good job recreating it. There is some concept art of it on one of the bjl-fansites.
the red and green work sooo well.
Looks good though.
its nice to see a level of crispness and scale to your work. i think you could do a lot better with the two towers
Fantastic work!
The scale is really great and it's really great to see that you're also improving your micro skills at the moment. I would prefer those brown walls on the right hand side a bit more textured, maybe add some bricks for a cooler looking. Also maybe try out grey instead of white for the rope fence.
But all in all amazing stuff, i'm really loving it! Hoping to see this released soon!
I'd classify this under 'fantasy', no way BJL would invest in something this massive and brilliantly themed.
Really big fan of this, you're doing great RCT wise lately. But what is it, a dark ride? An indoor coaster?
This looks amazing. While I don't like those style of fences they do work here. If I were you I'd move the fountain back a space or two, it looks odd with that little space in front of it.
And @Jappy, the Temple of fear was a planned expansion for bobbejaanland, but the Schoepens decided to built the speedy bob instead. It was supposed to be an indoor darkride waterride combo, and it looks like FredD did a good job recreating it. There is some concept art of it on one of the bjl-fansites.
looks great, nice work