I love the interaction with this; it is giving me some flashbacks to Riverland. The atmosphere you pulled off here is stunning. Keep up the good work, Leon!
it feels like you sucked the dutch out of liam and then built on a 15 year old bench... literally the best dutch parkmaking i've ever seen paul/liam included
This has to be one of the best corkscrew layouts I've seen in RCT2. The layout and scenery work so well with each other, and I love the diagonal lift and the brake run through the loop.
Very Dimi-esque indeed. Lovely work. I feel like you're going way overboard with the pinnacles. Every roof of yours is lined with pinnacles, that are often slightly out of proportion anyway! I would lower all of them on the central building by one unit, and get rid of them entirely on the building shown at the bottom.
Simply lovely, classic and modern at the same time. Great interaction! And nice colour choices, I like how everything's so earthy except the bright blue coaster, makes it stand out like a centerpiece ride should!
My only complaint would be that the water is kinda textureless. Maybe add some elevation changes to it?
Great stuff. Also has Faas vibes imo. I would consider changing the rails to mid blue.
I love the interaction with this; it is giving me some flashbacks to Riverland. The atmosphere you pulled off here is stunning. Keep up the good work, Leon!
it feels like you sucked the dutch out of liam and then built on a 15 year old bench... literally the best dutch parkmaking i've ever seen paul/liam included
This is fabulous.
This has to be one of the best corkscrew layouts I've seen in RCT2. The layout and scenery work so well with each other, and I love the diagonal lift and the brake run through the loop.
You know what I think of this park..... God this is good.
Really cute
Glad you made the changes we discussed earlier. A+ screen.
Fisch has made that roof famous!
Lovely screen. The water in the background needs some work, variation below the water, docks, boats, waves etc.
Simply lovely, classic and modern at the same time. Great interaction! And nice colour choices, I like how everything's so earthy except the bright blue coaster, makes it stand out like a centerpiece ride should!
You're a fan of those round towers now, aren't you? I love it, just do something with the water on the top, and it's perfect!
The bottom middle part of the screen is amazing, the colors are fantastic, layout is on point. It has a strong Riverland vibe.
Top of the screen feels a bit lifeless, it contrasts very weirdly.
Maybe it is a path problem ?
Nevermind as always outstanding stuff Leon.