Yeah, I don't really see what most see here. It's okay, not great...doesn't feel like any ground breaking ncso that others mentioned. The bits I do like the little pillars, the ticket booths and use of pyramids. However, it does have potential, perhaps you need to develop this idea a bit more first.
Yeah in theory it should work exactly the same with codex. You need to clone the bottom sections. Lemme know if you have some q's about it.. it would look sick in your DisneySea park!
Yeah in theory it should work exactly the same with codex. You need to clone the bottom sections. Lemme know if you have some q's about it.. it would look sick in your DisneySea park!
maybe the pyramid works different than other large objects, but i often find that cloning parts of large objects clones a particular 'view' of the object, so its invisible from all directions but one, and in the one direction it looks like regular (or maybe a bit glitchy). that might be just for 2x2 objects though, and the pyramid works better
maybe the pyramid works different than other large objects, but i often find that cloning parts of large objects clones a particular 'view' of the object, so its invisible from all directions but one, and in the one direction it looks like regular (or maybe a bit glitchy). that might be just for 2x2 objects though, and the pyramid works better
Some large scenery objects actually consist of multiple single tile elements. The pyramid, but also the volcano and the colosseum. They all have in common that their boundary box is not a solid bos - the colosseum and the volcano is hollow, and the pyramid is actually shaped like a pyramid including hollow interior.
Definitely a great macro area, but there are some clever details thrown in here, most notably the hieroglyphic signs adorning the drop.
I see what people mean about the width of the paths, but from a guest's perspective, the architecture is large and meant to be seen from far away as well as from close up, so narrowing the paths and cramming everything together would detract from the effect. Supplementing the dirt path with crazy paving may alleviate some of the plainness in the wider areas without making any unnecessary layout changes.
Superb work! I like how the design captures the distinct heaviness and gravitas of Egyptian architecture that so many people miss the mark on when trying to recreate it as a theme. Kudos!
Superb work! I like how the design captures the distinct heaviness and gravitas of Egyptian architecture that so many people miss the mark on when trying to recreate it as a theme. Kudos!
I also like Terry Inferno's idea about crazy paving, do try it, as a replacement for the brown tarmac.
lil update:
Mostly I've tried to tidy up the planters and the colours a bit. I'm being stubborn with the paths though, I don't think crazy paving will work here.
I have zero problems with the openness and wideness of the path. Also definitely stick with brown roofs, at least for the pyramid roofs and the 2x1s. Play with having two different roof types.
The obelisk doesn't work for me. It has too many textures. I think you should replace the castle texture with the roman texture, and replace the roman wall piece at the top with the one without the red trim. Aside from that it looks great, the new planters are much better!
better than shotguns
yeah it needs a bit more refinement i think
There is not much atmosphere, but dang, this NCSO is great. Something I wish I could replicate.
Keep it up, Alex!
Yeah in theory it should work exactly the same with codex. You need to clone the bottom sections. Lemme know if you have some q's about it.. it would look sick in your DisneySea park!
Definitely looking forward to see more of this!
Love the paths and the scale.
maybe the pyramid works different than other large objects, but i often find that cloning parts of large objects clones a particular 'view' of the object, so its invisible from all directions but one, and in the one direction it looks like regular (or maybe a bit glitchy). that might be just for 2x2 objects though, and the pyramid works better
In this certain area. the tension and interaction between two building is incredible. I can almost imagine walking under the awnings, it's magical.
Some large scenery objects actually consist of multiple single tile elements. The pyramid, but also the volcano and the colosseum. They all have in common that their boundary box is not a solid bos - the colosseum and the volcano is hollow, and the pyramid is actually shaped like a pyramid including hollow interior.
Definitely a great macro area, but there are some clever details thrown in here, most notably the hieroglyphic signs adorning the drop.
I see what people mean about the width of the paths, but from a guest's perspective, the architecture is large and meant to be seen from far away as well as from close up, so narrowing the paths and cramming everything together would detract from the effect. Supplementing the dirt path with crazy paving may alleviate some of the plainness in the wider areas without making any unnecessary layout changes.
Superb work! I like how the design captures the distinct heaviness and gravitas of Egyptian architecture that so many people miss the mark on when trying to recreate it as a theme. Kudos!
I also like Terry Inferno's idea about crazy paving, do try it, as a replacement for the brown tarmac.
thanks for the comments!
lil update:

Mostly I've tried to tidy up the planters and the colours a bit. I'm being stubborn with the paths though, I don't think crazy paving will work here.
nice! love the building at the waterfront, perfectly composed
This is wonderful. Good classic lake park entrance.
The obelisk doesn't work for me. It has too many textures. I think you should replace the castle texture with the roman texture, and replace the roman wall piece at the top with the one without the red trim. Aside from that it looks great, the new planters are much better!