The pyramids look better than I could've imagined, and there's some neat other tricks in this screen like the cannonballs and the hieroglyphs. Excellent work, alex. Some of the very best ncso shit.
The pyramids are a game-changer, but like Kumba said, the rest is simply nice. It's clean, it's coherent, but there's not much too see as it's just paths and planters. And that big finish for the splash boats could be more exciting. It's wasted potential right now. Add ruins or something at the bottom of the drop.
Details are great, overall composition is not. The pyramids are a great idea but just don't look good, especially since 90% of the walls in the screen are the same color.
Maybe it's the roof tiles then, something about the lighter colored buildings doesn't agree with me. My issue is more with the colors than the layout of the buildings.
I'm trying to offer you something more useful than "insta-spotlight"
you're the master of ncso dude
The pyramid rooves are awesome. The rest is just nice. The paths are too wide and the fence near the splash boats does not line-up.
im a simple girl, i see alex i click 'become a fan'
This is exciting.
Maybe you're right about the paths kumba. I want to achieve an impressive scale though and it's difficult to get the balance right.
edit: i just realised the thumbnail for this screen is near identical to the venom one haha.
The pyramids are a game-changer, but like Kumba said, the rest is simply nice. It's clean, it's coherent, but there's not much too see as it's just paths and planters. And that big finish for the splash boats could be more exciting. It's wasted potential right now. Add ruins or something at the bottom of the drop.
Details are great, overall composition is not. The pyramids are a great idea but just don't look good, especially since 90% of the walls in the screen are the same color.
Whats wrong with the walls being the same colour?
I actually think the composition is strong here, not the details.
Yes and Yes.
I assume this is intended to be Egypt, however I get aztec vibes here... Really good regardless.
That's why I can't enjoy NCSO: All I see is playing cards
New NCSO king?
Your skills are just amazing!!!
Maybe it's the roof tiles then, something about the lighter colored buildings doesn't agree with me. My issue is more with the colors than the layout of the buildings.
I'm trying to offer you something more useful than "insta-spotlight"
Fantastic. Not a fan of the colours of the signpost though. But that's my only problem here. Great stuff!
Ticket booths should be one unit higher, the awnings being shorter than the ones at the top of the screen really throws off the scale.
I'm really not sold on this. I love the pyramid roofs, and the touch of colour, but there's just no atmosphere here for me.
I also don't really get the cards. I guess they're meant to be hieroglyphics, but they don't really work for me.