Screenshot / Intamin Mega Coaster
23-December 17
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An Intamin mega coaster I made today.
I realize that wing coaster trains would be more realistic than LSM trains, but my wing coaster trains look awful and the LSM trains do look quite similar to Intamin mega coaster trains at this scale. I didn't want to model a new train for this.
Also, there's no catwalk because I couldn't find a steep catwalk object that doesn't glitch horribly. I considered rendering the catwalk directly into the lift sprites like on the 4th dimension track, but my render isn't up to doing this yet. -
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Oh my God... this is awesome... I've always wanted this in-game. Will there be inversions?
Is that track currently available? I'm working on a rec that would use this perfectly!
It look pretty sweet, and I love the sloped brake run!
This looks pretty sweet man, but I guess this requires a custom version of OpenRCT to work?
These sprites are really good. Aside from the coaster, this park looks worse than Six Flags America.
Exciting stuff. I hope these will be easy to implement when the new savegame format arrives!
The next pieces to go in will be sloped turns, followed by banked sloped turns, then all remaining non-inversion pieces (s-bends, helices etc), then inversions. According to the scroll bar on my text editor, I'm about halfway through by lines of code, but it's rendering the sprites that takes the bulk of the time, and many of the most complicated sprites are yet to come.
I could try and upload it somewhere if you want to play around with it... but unless you're on Linux it would be source code, not the binary. Also, that's not a functioning brake run it's a lift piece. I can't add new elements.
Yep. It's a fork of the game - I took one of the unused ride types and put this one in it's place.
It looks pretty nice so far. I'm glad implementing all the track pieces (appears to be) going well. The split between diagonal 60-slope and diagonal 25-to-60 is kind of funky. It appears the game has this issue as well (on the giga track at least) but the large single tube makes it a lot more noticeable.
If you are able to apply a little noise to the surface texture, or use some of the colors in the white range to make specular highlights on the tubes it will go a long way to looking like Simon Foster's work.
Thanks for all you do.
If the save format works like I think it does, it won't need a new format, just a version of OpenRCT2 with the ride implemented.
Looks awesome.
Unfortunately it's not an easy fix. The way that RCT2 handles these sprites is simply wrong, and will inevitably cause misalignment unless I fudge the sprites by hand. It's exacerbated here because those track pieces are distorted (another issue I need to fix), but if the issue persists, I will have to change the way those track pieces are rendered, because really, they should be split up into two sprites.
Not sure what you mean by this ... are you asking if it can be saved as a TD6?
with stuff like this added, will we see working diagonal vertical pieces or inversions?
Oh my goodness! X7, you have thoroughly impressed and surprised me with these two new track designs. This and the RMC both look spectacular and I am so happy to see the potential of new types of track in OpenRCT2 as we do need more.
I am very impressed with how this looks so far, X7. Keep it up!
I think this turned out better than the RMC though and it shows up the flaws in the renderer much better, so I'll probably continue testing with this for the time being.
would a large corkscrew be possible to add?
The only thing I can see preventing the addition of a large corkscrew piece is the lack of a free element slot to put it in. A new file format could remove the limit.
I respect people who do this kind of work.
wow queen
Basically yes, or at least if I could take the sv6 and add scenery to it. Or would it just appear as a different track type on my game?
If you have ever used the "allow arbitrary ride type changes" cheat, you may have seen some rides are listed as "Unknown (C1)" or something like that. He chose one of those as the testbed for his custom ride making.
If I understand the limits of the file formats correctly, you *could* make a .td6 of it and, coupled with a .DAT that uses the specified ride type, build the ride. The only issue is it would look like any other ride with its ride type hacked to one of the Unknown ride types, which means it would be invisible and you may not be able to open the ride, depending on which one he chose, because your version of OpenRCT2 does not have his custom ride built into it.