Like your decription says, there really is not much to see here. This suffers from being too cluttered, yet too simple. I do like the station though. That has a neat idea, although it could be cultivated to something cleaner.
There is promise here, but it will take a good bit of renovation to make this a great screen and park. Keep going!
I would make this a lot mare unique, but this is literally all of the decoration that FF offers. Perhaps I could modify FF so i could expand the land more and add in more appealing scenery!
I'm actually a fan of those fences in this screen. I don't mind that it's cluttered as the park is so small. In fact I'd say it's not even cluttered, just that you're mainly using the same textures everywhere makes it look denser than it is, because there are no real visual breaks. I think it could do with some more content like shops or restaurants. Just keep going and post a screen every 2-3 weeks to show your progress. Also join our discord!
I'm more interested in what's below the frame than the wooden coaster. The plaza shows promise.
There is promise here, but it will take a good bit of renovation to make this a great screen and park. Keep going!
Quark Offline
Thank you!
I would make this a lot mare unique, but this is literally all of the decoration that FF offers. Perhaps I could modify FF so i could expand the land more and add in more appealing scenery!
Just vary up the fencing a little bit. I like it a lot! Like spacek said, it show's promise for sure.
I'm not sure why you have bushes growing in some of your buildings; seems a little out of place there.
Path layout is actually quite cozy.
I'm actually a fan of those fences in this screen. I don't mind that it's cluttered as the park is so small. In fact I'd say it's not even cluttered, just that you're mainly using the same textures everywhere makes it look denser than it is, because there are no real visual breaks. I think it could do with some more content like shops or restaurants. Just keep going and post a screen every 2-3 weeks to show your progress. Also join our discord!