This is way better than what you showed yesterday. It all came together really nicely. The signs in the queue are a fantastic touch. Your scale is a little short, I would advise possibly doing a 5 unit high scale in the future, but it doesn't detract here too much, so you should be ok. I also agree with G, use metal 1-height walls for bracing the woodie. Looking forward to seeing more. You've come a long way!
Edit: I also think you can do more with the lakeside bit of the path. It's very very plain as is.
You're really starting to get the hang of this! Foliage is great. Station looks clean and realistically boring, nice work. The area where the two path types meet could perhaps use some work, right now the planters seem very random, and so does that round area of brick in the tarmac. While nice, it's like... why is it there? These are minor complaints though, and easy to fix. Also I agree with G Force about the lift, also an easy fix though!
The woodie buildings feel a little bit too brown, but I appreciate the attempts to inject color with the patriotic swag objects. The queue entrance feels a bit shoved away. it should perhaps be a bit closer to the station itself.
The path type changes show an improvement over your previous builds. The planter near the middle is well-placed as it helps to break up the transition. My one complaint is that it could use some road line objects to create a more solid border.
I quite like the foliage here though. You absolutely nailed the dried-up creekbed in the middle of the woodie.
Quite nice, the station you've got there. I think the path in front of the station needs more attention, more love to make this screen more come to alive.
I'm enjoying this immensely. The backstage area is very well done, and the little cafe is nice too. Keep going!
Some things I would consider:
- Area under the boomerang could use some love. Just looks a bit empty right now.
- Peeps! Would bring life to the screen!
- Stuff Liam and Steve mentioned on Discord
wow dude great work. keep it up.
Woodie could use support bracing on the lift though.
This is way better than what you showed yesterday. It all came together really nicely. The signs in the queue are a fantastic touch. Your scale is a little short, I would advise possibly doing a 5 unit high scale in the future, but it doesn't detract here too much, so you should be ok. I also agree with G, use metal 1-height walls for bracing the woodie. Looking forward to seeing more. You've come a long way!
Edit: I also think you can do more with the lakeside bit of the path. It's very very plain as is.
The station looks really good, nice work.
A lot of the screen still feels quite unfinished, needs more details, and of course peeps. This is heading in a great direction though, keep it up!
You're really starting to get the hang of this! Foliage is great. Station looks clean and realistically boring, nice work. The area where the two path types meet could perhaps use some work, right now the planters seem very random, and so does that round area of brick in the tarmac. While nice, it's like... why is it there? These are minor complaints though, and easy to fix. Also I agree with G Force about the lift, also an easy fix though!
The woodie buildings feel a little bit too brown, but I appreciate the attempts to inject color with the patriotic swag objects. The queue entrance feels a bit shoved away. it should perhaps be a bit closer to the station itself.
The path type changes show an improvement over your previous builds. The planter near the middle is well-placed as it helps to break up the transition. My one complaint is that it could use some road line objects to create a more solid border.
I quite like the foliage here though. You absolutely nailed the dried-up creekbed in the middle of the woodie.
Nice station... choo choo
nice to see you finally finishing a screens worth of content, haha. maybe clean up the shoreline a bit- some light foliage or retaining walls maybe?
This is really nice, I think working in a theme park environment has made you understand things a lot better.
Lovely work, keep it up!
Quite nice, the station you've got there. I think the path in front of the station needs more attention, more love to make this screen more come to alive.
Big improvement.
clean and crisp.
As mentioned by others, mind how many path and fence types you put into a small area. Other than that, it's a huge step up from your prior work.
As with all I've seen on Discord, I can say I am pretty excited for this project. Good luck!