I think the overall look of this is great. The long straight sections should either be covered up or be shortened in my opinion. And for the sake of realism, consider changing that pre-drop. This project has potential.
It's not finished yet, but the main layout, supports and station are done. I'm going to add some more scenery to make this less bland. Tell me what you think :P
its very straight, maybe break up the one dimension if you can a bit? also, why not go vertical on the second drop?
Why is the railroad two different colors?
This is definitely a little too streamlined and more detail would go a long way, but it's better than the score suggests.
The order of elements is actually pretty good, but adding a few turns would really add a lot of dimension.
I think the overall look of this is great. The long straight sections should either be covered up or be shortened in my opinion. And for the sake of realism, consider changing that pre-drop. This project has potential.
Tjernobyl has a dive coaster now? thats sick