The scale is a bit off, making it feel a bit awkward and oddly proportioned. Shorten up some of the elements and it will probably look a bit more natural.
Check out RamSam12's Ghostliner Design for a great attempt at a coaster of this type.
Definitely needs more scenery. Cool coaster though. Will be cool with better scenery
lol I haven't added any yet! Of course thank you for the feedback.
The scale is a bit off, making it feel a bit awkward and oddly proportioned. Shorten up some of the elements and it will probably look a bit more natural.
Check out RamSam12's Ghostliner Design for a great attempt at a coaster of this type.
I get what you're saying, as much as I'd love to have a in-game 200 foot drop.
Rule of thumb. If you can add something (like scenery) before posting a screenshot, please do. Screenshots are generally pictures highlighting finished or close to finished work.
I don't think there's a problem with posting a layout screen and asking for feedback every now and then. We do the same thing on Discord, and as long as it's not done too often, it doesn't make the front page worse IMO.
As for the layout itself, I think it's hella weird, but then again, I haven't seen the source material, so I can't judge.
Rule of thumb. If you can add something (like scenery) before posting a screenshot, please do. Screenshots are generally pictures highlighting finished or close to finished work.
I agree. If you post more finished screenshots, we can help you a lot more
Rule of thumb. If you can add something (like scenery) before posting a screenshot, please do. Screenshots are generally pictures highlighting finished or close to finished work.
If you look at screenshots I have posted in the past, there have been ones highlighting my NCSO. This was just a post just to gauge how to do a layout similar to Steel Phatnom. As G Force mentioned, there is one that has been done so I have a reference for how to scale something as untraditional as this.
You have the beginning and the end of a hypercoaster, but it's missing something in the middle. Phantom's Revenge contains some long banked curved sections between the large drop and the bunny hops, whereas this one seems to end more abruptly. Adding another element or two after that drop may improve the layout significantly, and it could potentially eliminate that long steep hill leading to the bunny hops.
Since it doesn't have any inversions (like Steel Phantom did), why does it have Arrow looper trains with over the shoulder restraints?
That makes no sense.
Then what trains do you suggest using? Phantom's Revenge has lap bar restraints but still has arrow cars. I'm really only planning on doing NCSO with this though so I'm not planning on grabbing cars made outside of the game.
Major improvement. It's still quite massive (not a bad thing, I build in a pretty large scale), but you've achieve some character. I worry that the turn around right after the drop is almost too much like a replica of Ramsam's layout from his design, but it looks good and works pretty well with the layout and flow. While the landscaping is still just rough placeholders, I can see where the hill will be. And that will be challenging at this scale. how you handle the side of the hill to frame the drop, turn-around, and hill back towards the station and lift hill area is going to make or break this. The hard part will be dealing with the major change in elevation in a short space and making it look good and work with the coaster. You have a great layout here, but before you start moving land or placing objects, don't be afraid to tinker with the track work even more. I know it can be a pain, but even making minor scale adjustments and other edits can take a track from good or great to unforgettable and endlessly entertaining to yourself and your viewer. I'd recommend just scaling back the height of the overall ride, or just the section in the ravine, just to see how it compares visually and what the hill work will entail. Maybe even see if turning the turn around the other way will help it stand out a little more from the actual ride and Ramsam's design if you're trying to keep it more original. With such high speeds, getting the train to flow well with aesthetically pleasing turns can be challenging, so be patient and try many different styles and combinations of turn arounds or other unique elements to point the train back towards the station.
Sorry for the long wall of text, I really am impressed with how well you fixed up the layout, and I've always thought this ride was fantastic looking in real life. So I get pretty passionate about the layout haha, and I think you can make something truly amazing, unique to your own style, yet still inspired by the real thing. Keep us updated, I'm excited to see where this goes.
Also while I agree with Bill, there's really not a good NCSO solution to the trains, so I understand why you're using them.
Tinkered around with the layout and I think I made it more accurate to scale. Still trying to make the rct heights the same/similar to the heights in real life.
If you compare the most recent photos, you can tell I adjusted the scale so that the drop after the lift hill is higher (165 now/120 before) I think this will improve the scale greatly.
Thinking of throwing my scenery-less roller coasters together and making an NCSO park. Might be along the lines of Kennywood. Haven't seen anyone attempt a arrow coaster similar to Steel Phantom so wanted to see others opinions.
The scale is a bit off, making it feel a bit awkward and oddly proportioned. Shorten up some of the elements and it will probably look a bit more natural.
Check out RamSam12's Ghostliner Design for a great attempt at a coaster of this type.
lol I haven't added any yet! Of course thank you for the feedback.
I get what you're saying, as much as I'd love to have a in-game 200 foot drop.
Rule of thumb. If you can add something (like scenery) before posting a screenshot, please do. Screenshots are generally pictures highlighting finished or close to finished work.
As for the layout itself, I think it's hella weird, but then again, I haven't seen the source material, so I can't judge.
If you look at screenshots I have posted in the past, there have been ones highlighting my NCSO. This was just a post just to gauge how to do a layout similar to Steel Phatnom. As G Force mentioned, there is one that has been done so I have a reference for how to scale something as untraditional as this.
You have the beginning and the end of a hypercoaster, but it's missing something in the middle. Phantom's Revenge contains some long banked curved sections between the large drop and the bunny hops, whereas this one seems to end more abruptly. Adding another element or two after that drop may improve the layout significantly, and it could potentially eliminate that long steep hill leading to the bunny hops.
The concept is there, but the execution is a little bit wonky. I think it is because of the proportions.
Tinker with it a bit and see where you get.
An update on the progress.
An update on the layout.
Attached Thumbnails
Since it doesn't have any inversions (like Steel Phantom did), why does it have Arrow looper trains with over the shoulder restraints?
That makes no sense.
Then what trains do you suggest using? Phantom's Revenge has lap bar restraints but still has arrow cars. I'm really only planning on doing NCSO with this though so I'm not planning on grabbing cars made outside of the game.
I'd use the default Morgan / Arrow Hyper trains then.
Sorry for the long wall of text, I really am impressed with how well you fixed up the layout, and I've always thought this ride was fantastic looking in real life. So I get pretty passionate about the layout haha, and I think you can make something truly amazing, unique to your own style, yet still inspired by the real thing. Keep us updated, I'm excited to see where this goes.
Also while I agree with Bill, there's really not a good NCSO solution to the trains, so I understand why you're using them.
Tinkered around with the layout and I think I made it more accurate to scale. Still trying to make the rct heights the same/similar to the heights in real life.
Attached Thumbnails
If you compare the most recent photos, you can tell I adjusted the scale so that the drop after the lift hill is higher (165 now/120 before) I think this will improve the scale greatly.
The turnaround after the large drop is a bit awkward, kind of breaks the whole terrain coaster feel being so high off the ground there.
Does feel like an improvement though.