Screenshot / My Finished Wooden Coaster!
- 22-September 17
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- Comments 11
This is a wooden coaster that I made on multiplayer with a station that is completely made without cheats! Again, don't be afraid to comment tips and ideas on how I can improve in colors and landscape. I know there's no trees or anything. I'll add it on later.
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GammaZero Offline
From what I can see, the layout and station look good, although you'd be better off building in singleplayer for this kind of stuff, as you'd have no problems with space or surroundings.
IonZer0 Offline
I like the slide area.
Xeccah Offline
i like the part where it turns right
Skylander Katfish Offline
yeah i didnt even think about it raining. I'll get a clearer photo of it soon, as well as the a close up of the station, so you can see the layers.
Xeccah Offline
thats a very good idea skylander. post a new screen of it at daytime and not raining.
saxman1089 Offline
I would add all your trees and everything before posting again too. Screens posted here are meant really to be almost or completely finished.
][ntamin22 Offline
It's a jungle rumble, but I don't see any jungle! Layout isn't bad, but I think you could tweak a couple turnarounds to have the track run under or parallel to existing structure. It's all a little stretched out with every turn and every hill crest being two-stage.
BlazingEmpireHD Offline
Far too dark to see much, lad, however, what I can see looks relatively promising. Tidy up your layout a bit, and add some proper theming, and you are on your way!
Liampie Offline
Skylander Katfish Offline
It was a multiplayer map, and i didn't know how much space i needed. Apperently i had plenty!
Dombot Offline
+color scheme