Very good to see activity from you. Looking interesting, very conceptual again, which is great. Not really pretty enough to my eyes, and a bit too micro.
This is good and shows some skill and whatever, but I'm having a hard time telling exactly what it is. Your work should be readable without an explanation and I'm finding no discernible theme other than "waterwheel." Looks kind of like pirates maybe?
I love the unique shape of the right building. The small bridges are great as well. The barrels and waterwheel objects feel texturewise out of place. You can do without them.
It's not bad.. but unfinished screens are lame. I don't think the Coaster colours match - but maybe that's because you haven't got round to them. Who knows, looks bad tho. This is why unfinished screens are lame.
Very good to see activity from you. Looking interesting, very conceptual again, which is great. Not really pretty enough to my eyes, and a bit too micro.
Seems cool so far; looking forward to seeing more.
I like it, feels different form your other work while also being fresh on its own. Hope you continue with it.
Duel water wheels with the connecting axle and the little wheel, chain links, the mix of brick and ladders.... It all works lovely.
I love the unique shape of the right building. The small bridges are great as well. The barrels and waterwheel objects feel texturewise out of place. You can do without them.
The white on the roof feels a bit weird in my opinion... otherwise really great work, looking forward for more!
It's not bad.. but unfinished screens are lame. I don't think the Coaster colours match - but maybe that's because you haven't got round to them. Who knows, looks bad tho. This is why unfinished screens are lame.