I think you tried too hard to get both the coaster and top-spin in the screen, and as a result, there's a big void at the focal point of the image, making it as a screen look a little unfocused and boring.
Looking beyond the crop at the actual content, it's pretty impressive. To me, it looks like good LL parkmaking, using old school techniques without the boring repetition that a lot of the old school parks had. The purple awnings are a great splash of color in a spot that really needed it.
The roof/path textures are too similar for my taste. Its losing its definitions. But the overall mix of trackacture and areas are looking good for 60%.
It's quite pale and dark, some more colour could be nice. But it's great atmospheric work and I think that I like it at least as much as your RCT2 work. Foliage is miles better than anything else you've done, looks fantastic and reminds of me of the wonderful tree mix in Gelderwal.
its nice. I think if you maybe delved more into the LL aesthetic instead of sticking to your rct2 realistic skillset, it could push it to be more vibrant and interesting. I quite like the purple awnings, but I'm not a fan of the jungle/green themed top spin (I especially dislike the green queue path )
This area is still probably pretty "RCT2 like", at least compared to some of the newer areas I'm working on now.
This park as a whole will be a kind if mixed bag of style. With the first two screenshots being of probably the two most similar areas of the park. The next few areas will be a bit of a departure, though hopefully still kind of feel like the same park.
My favorite screen in a while. Really nice! Love that virginia reel/graveyard monument archway there. But yeah, could maybe use another colour or two for contrast, and maybe some more windows or something just to give it a little more life. Really good work nonetheless!
Hah, nice. Your stuff always makes me think of mrice's parks.
An area's palette in LL where no ghost train friendly wall textures are included tend to be really hard for architecture. Some of the trackitecture feels forced, but I like the cemetery theming pillars as awning supports. The steam train is lovely and saves this. Just too little life signal elsewhere.
I still think you're trying too hard to play rct2 in ll. I've made peace with the fact that you will always willingly sacrifice your heart for the well-being and longevity of ultra-realism in RCT, but nontheless I can't help but feel some level of abstraction would help you. Since we had the list update the other day, have you had a look at mantis' Divine Comedy? Not that it's flawless, but it's an example of the kind of approach I mean.
I think you tried too hard to get both the coaster and top-spin in the screen, and as a result, there's a big void at the focal point of the image, making it as a screen look a little unfocused and boring.
Looking beyond the crop at the actual content, it's pretty impressive. To me, it looks like good LL parkmaking, using old school techniques without the boring repetition that a lot of the old school parks had. The purple awnings are a great splash of color in a spot that really needed it.
The roof/path textures are too similar for my taste. Its losing its definitions. But the overall mix of trackacture and areas are looking good for 60%.
I think it looks fantastic.
its nice. I think if you maybe delved more into the LL aesthetic instead of sticking to your rct2 realistic skillset, it could push it to be more vibrant and interesting. I quite like the purple awnings, but I'm not a fan of the jungle/green themed top spin (I especially dislike the green queue path
This park as a whole will be a kind if mixed bag of style. With the first two screenshots being of probably the two most similar areas of the park. The next few areas will be a bit of a departure, though hopefully still kind of feel like the same park.
My favorite screen in a while. Really nice! Love that virginia reel/graveyard monument archway there. But yeah, could maybe use another colour or two for contrast, and maybe some more windows or something just to give it a little more life. Really good work nonetheless!