You've got some serious roof clipping in this screen, maybe try to reorder things with tile inspector to get rid of that effect. Otherwise, there's kinda a lot of brown and it's in an obviously unfinished state so I don't really know what else you have planned for the area. The middle two buildings are probably my favorites.
You've got some serious roof clipping in this screen, maybe try to reorder things with tile inspector to get rid of that effect. Otherwise, there's kinda a lot of brown and it's in an obviously unfinished state so I don't really know what else you have planned for the area. The middle two buildings are probably my favorites.
I can give it a shot. No hurt in trying, is there?
This is quite unfinished, and more work will come of it. Stay tuned!
Agree with Faas, looks really random and i don't really get the purposes of the buildings.