Thanks guys. I get enjoyment out of trying to work with what the game gives me without altering and hacking too much, like this hot dog stand. The problem with adding bobsled track is the fact that it glitches like a motherfucker, what can I do about that?
Using MOM lower it 1 unit first than rebuilding the flume over it using zero clearance. Now I've heard you should build the bobsled track backwards but I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not.
This is good shit, bro.
Excellent foliage placement, and that hot-dog stall is so pretty <3
And I've never seen an in game stand look so good. Haha
Thanks guys. I get enjoyment out of trying to work with what the game gives me without altering and hacking too much, like this hot dog stand. The problem with adding bobsled track is the fact that it glitches like a motherfucker, what can I do about that?
I don't even know wat MOM is. Sounds like too much of a hassle. No bobsled track for me.
^i was expecting that. is Zero Clear literally the only hacking you do?
Yes. Apart from the staff/guest stuff I sometimes do to keep those fuckers happy.
that looks great, I love the way you made the bare hot dog stall fit naturally
I'm with Louis!, that foliage is masterful. Adds so much.
Well done, man. Love that eating area. <3