I'm guessing that this is a spanish theme, judging by the title of the screen, so I would add a bit of pale red to the flowers. I think there is a good amount of green, it makes it feel more 'natural'. The car ride looks nice as well.
Part of the park's rapids. In the upper left corner there's unnamed old timers riding through an unnamed flower field.
How could the area of this screenshot be improved?
Yeah a second color would really add to the atmosphere. Looks very good, though.
I've tried orange, but that just looked... wrong. I think that not-so-bright-red might be a good secondary color.
I'm guessing that this is a spanish theme, judging by the title of the screen, so I would add a bit of pale red to the flowers. I think there is a good amount of green, it makes it feel more 'natural'. The car ride looks nice as well.
I love how tranquil it feels.
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
This isn't a spanish theme, I just named it after a random river somewhere in Africa I think
In Equatorial Guinea to be exact.
You gotta love Equatorial Guinea.
Equatorial Guinea is the best Guinea.
Especially in terms of GDP per capita, due to the fact that the government gives oil winnings out equally to each inhabitant.
And the fact that it's the only Spanish-speaking country outside of Spain and the Caribbean.
This is nice. Pretty interesting. Good dynamics in the paths.