Needs more boats. Seriously, I'm looking forward to this!
Looking forward to this one! Not a fan of the logo, it's a bit cramped, seems like a logo trav made in Planet Coaster.
That looks cool! You're improving, looking forward to this.
seems like a logo trav made in Planet Coaster.
Lol. Does that mean it says "HaslaGh" instead of "HaslaCh" ?
Can't wait to see this project, I really liked the screens of the mini free fall and the log flume.
Erlebnispark Haslach, yay!
Needs more boats.
Seriously, I'm looking forward to this!
Looking forward to this one! Not a fan of the logo, it's a bit cramped, seems like a logo trav made in Planet Coaster.
That looks cool! You're improving, looking forward to this.
Lol. Does that mean it says "HaslaGh" instead of "HaslaCh" ?
Can't wait to see this project, I really liked the screens of the mini free fall and the log flume.