GDB: I agree about the fact that it's too realistic, i'm fiddling around with some other tree types as well, trying to make them more rct-ish.
I've also made a different silverbirch, with 2 stems, being a bigger tree than the original one.
I'm also creating an Allee Elm tree, wich will probably be appreciated among my American friends.
A larger magnolia tree is also finished.
Mattk 48 : I'm creating several trees with various heights, to have a balanced selection together with the original trees.
So i hope they don't stand out too much.
Shotguns : I'm working on it.
Highball : I've got more choice coming your way.
Inthemanual : You're right, i need to work on the shading to create a 3 dimensional feel. The base is stolen from another tree and altered a bit.
Majordomo : I'll post another picture with all of them, when finished of course.
Csw : I'm not sure, i like it personally.
Pierrot : I'll keep working on it and create more bigger trees.
Geewhzz : And more are coming your way!
I've got to be honest... there are tons of new objects coming your way, i just need to put them in editor and test them...wich i hate.
There are new windows, walls with windows (for see through detailism), New huge sets of deco blocks in colorable stone, graveyard and more brick deco blocks than the current ones that are available. I've managed to make a working waterwheel (animated) for rct2 (you'll see it in my current design that i'm working on). The castle shake rooves are now also available in brick. I'm working on diagonal castle shake rooves, MT thatch rooves are available in different textures now...
I can keep on ranting here, but the point is clear i guess.
You'll get overwhelmed with new objects within this year.
Thanks again.
I'm hoping to revive rct and it's popularity.
Edit: Btw. they are both the same tree, existing of three parts (trunk, first half and second half).
Props to Liampie for giving that wonderful advice to me, when i showed it on the New Block.
Not entirely finished yet.
this is done really wel, but i will say though that it hasn't got that rollercoastertycoon feeling for me, it's just too realistic
Those are looking great. My only concern is the height, it looks as if they'll be too tall to fit in with other trees we have now
The shading's a bit off, but it looks good.
I like the smaller one better, but gdb is right. Something is off in terms of it relating to other objects in the game. I'll definitely use it though.
I dunno if it's the black background or the shading of the objects, but they look a little flat/2d.
The trunk is shaded, but the branches aren't. And the leaves are shaded, but not in such a way as to tell what direction the light is coming from.
The texture of the trunk seems a bit inorganic.
love the tree on the left but it definitely needs more improvement.
keep going dude!
I really like how the base/roots part looks. Keep up that style of shading throughout and it'll look really nice.
Haha! Thanks everyone!
GDB: I agree about the fact that it's too realistic, i'm fiddling around with some other tree types as well, trying to make them more rct-ish.
I've also made a different silverbirch, with 2 stems, being a bigger tree than the original one.
I'm also creating an Allee Elm tree, wich will probably be appreciated among my American friends.
A larger magnolia tree is also finished.
Mattk 48 : I'm creating several trees with various heights, to have a balanced selection together with the original trees.
So i hope they don't stand out too much.
Shotguns : I'm working on it.
Highball : I've got more choice coming your way.
Inthemanual : You're right, i need to work on the shading to create a 3 dimensional feel. The base is stolen from another tree and altered a bit.
Majordomo : I'll post another picture with all of them, when finished of course.
Csw : I'm not sure, i like it personally.
Pierrot : I'll keep working on it and create more bigger trees.
Geewhzz : And more are coming your way!
I've got to be honest... there are tons of new objects coming your way, i just need to put them in editor and test them...wich i hate.
There are new windows, walls with windows (for see through detailism), New huge sets of deco blocks in colorable stone, graveyard and more brick deco blocks than the current ones that are available. I've managed to make a working waterwheel (animated) for rct2 (you'll see it in my current design that i'm working on). The castle shake rooves are now also available in brick. I'm working on diagonal castle shake rooves, MT thatch rooves are available in different textures now...
I can keep on ranting here, but the point is clear i guess.
You'll get overwhelmed with new objects within this year.
Thanks again.
I'm hoping to revive rct and it's popularity.
Edit: Btw. they are both the same tree, existing of three parts (trunk, first half and second half).
Props to Liampie for giving that wonderful advice to me, when i showed it on the New Block.
that is almost great
Pokon does wonders.
LOL considering you like to use the worst possible objects all the time, not sure if this should be taken as a compliment