pierrot asking if he can steal something from you is like being RCT knighted.
Very impressive stuff. You're one of the super few upcoming talents who actually have their own aesthetic. Always interesting and refreshing to look at your stuff. You're doing wonderful things with the game. Hoping to see more.
that fucking tower on the right side.
simple, but brilliant as fuck. can I steal it?
I love this.
Those buildings are great.
pierrot asking if he can steal something from you is like being RCT knighted.
Very impressive stuff. You're one of the super few upcoming talents who actually have their own aesthetic. Always interesting and refreshing to look at your stuff. You're doing wonderful things with the game. Hoping to see more.
What a lovely lovely busted scene!
For some reason I love the palm tree inside the building! Good stuff Julow!
Thank you everybody! ♥
1,230 view in 10 hours? How is that possible?
@pierrot You can steal it
Dig it man!
My eyes keep getting drawn to the overhangs though... wood would never be used in those two locations.
This deserves more attention. Buildings look sick! Overall atmosphere is very different and unique! Good job, man!