this is one of my all time favorites in LL. it also did a weird thing once which I didn't know could happen, which is that (I think) they put an exit to a ride right on the map edge so that peeps fell off onto the blackness, and then just milled about aimlessly in the out of bounds area. they went really far out from the buildable areas of land
"Because we can" kind of attitude park. Important example of the transition from traditional LL to codex madness. A time when we hardly had any LL releases but still a process took place.
I've been impressed by this a lot but never really loved it. Most important to me is Harakiri's ability to build in such an organic style. There's an interesting clash between that an the micro-obsessed hacking everywhere.
To me it also seems like a collection of experimental ideas that offers plenty to like, but as a whole is confusing and not very coherent. It actually reminds me of Thoughts a bit now.
I personally loved that it didn't really make sense. sort of felt like a weird surreal/absurd scifi world. that fact that I didn't understand the context but still felt there was some backstory and worldbuilding I didn't understand made it seem more mysterious and tantalizing to me. we have a lot of scifi parks, I feel, where the world is really simple or easy to understand, they never really feel overwhelming and unusual like this one does. I want it to make me curious and confused, like a real alien/foreign civilization would (or the korean parkmakers, who knows what they're going for)
I dig the caos here. A mix and mash of contrasting elements. Different separations between scene changes might show off the caos a little bit better.. but i still like it
this is one of my all time favorites in LL. it also did a weird thing once which I didn't know could happen, which is that (I think) they put an exit to a ride right on the map edge so that peeps fell off onto the blackness, and then just milled about aimlessly in the out of bounds area. they went really far out from the buildable areas of land
"Because we can" kind of attitude park. Important example of the transition from traditional LL to codex madness. A time when we hardly had any LL releases but still a process took place.
I've been impressed by this a lot but never really loved it. Most important to me is Harakiri's ability to build in such an organic style. There's an interesting clash between that an the micro-obsessed hacking everywhere.
To me it also seems like a collection of experimental ideas that offers plenty to like, but as a whole is confusing and not very coherent. It actually reminds me of Thoughts a bit now.
I personally loved that it didn't really make sense. sort of felt like a weird surreal/absurd scifi world. that fact that I didn't understand the context but still felt there was some backstory and worldbuilding I didn't understand made it seem more mysterious and tantalizing to me. we have a lot of scifi parks, I feel, where the world is really simple or easy to understand, they never really feel overwhelming and unusual like this one does. I want it to make me curious and confused, like a real alien/foreign civilization would (or the korean parkmakers, who knows what they're going for)
I dig the caos here. A mix and mash of contrasting elements. Different separations between scene changes might show off the caos a little bit better.. but i still like it