Screenshot / Wild West area of Green Fir Grove
- 08-May 17
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- Comments 7
A portion of a small, reasonably cramped park built for reddit's contest. This is also the first park in which I've used the tile inspector, even though I've been using OpenRCT2 for nearly two weeks now. Visible in this shot are the mine train coaster and its faithful "sidekick", the rapids ride.
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Jappy Offline
I like this a lot! Pretty neat archy and a cool coaster. My only issue is that the path doesn't match the tone of the area.
Coasterbill Offline
Excellent work
SupraTheHedgehog Offline
Hey, that is pretty good! Simple, but very enjoyable.
Good first screen!!
Steve Offline
Overall composition is good though. Maybe not have your paths at such a sharp/squared angle next time, makes things a bit more organic. The skill is there though, nice stuff!
Louis! Offline
Nice work!
BlazingEmpireHD Offline
This is very impressive for a first screen, and knowing you, you'll easily keep that reputation up.
I do agree with the others on the colours. Some of them don't work for me; though, the blue and red building(s) in the front do.
Keep it up, you're well on your way to starpointe...I mean stardom.
mintliqueur Offline
Definitely a very good first screen! As said the composition's very nice, the scale likewise. You have the right approach to the game to be successful at this site, I think. Work on the details, particularily in the architecture. One or two more colours wouldn't hurt either.