Thanks guys! Looking at this screen now does make me see some few little spots that need some extra care and attention to make this better. When I tackle those, I'll consider your feedback.
Looks great all around you me. Just hope that you go back and touch up some older areas like the entrance to match the quality of this area and some of the other recent additions.
Looks great all around you me. Just hope that you go back and touch up some older areas like the entrance to match the quality of this area and some of the other recent additions.
Don't worry. I've spent most of my RCT time the last two days going back and updating old areas like the Asian one and the entrance. Touching up foliage, adding extra details...
It's a fun screen, and the bus and boat do look good!
My main issue with this is continuity in the area. Mostly with the fences and how the rapids are made. Maybe one too many fence types and then you have the rapids barriers as brown monorails, then grey, then ran deco blocks and 1K ruins. I think sticking to strictly monorails and rocks/ruins are the way to go here. Would make things a bit more organic and would relieve things like that sharp corner on the rapids to the right.
I agree with Tom_Dj about the foliage, it doesn't feel like the congo jungle. In dense jungles, trees are more tall and thin with fanned out leaves rather than short and squat with thick bushy leaves. Maybe get rid of those rounded bushy trees and replace them with more jungle-like foliage?
Take a raft ride on the wild river Congo! Or grab something to eat in our beached freighter, the Mersus Emergo which also houses our reptiles, snakes and other creepy crawlies...
That bus is great! Lovely screen, good vibe. Would chance the color of the umbrella's though, to a bit brighter color.
Such a fun screen! Love the bus, but the texture should definitely be different.
Great screen!
Well done Jappy! Love the bus, love the restaurant, ride looks great, very well themed!
Thanks guys! Looking at this screen now does make me see some few little spots that need some extra care and attention to make this better. When I tackle those, I'll consider your feedback.
It could have been a great screen but the foilage really kills it for me (doesn't fit the theme)
Don't worry. I've spent most of my RCT time the last two days going back and updating old areas like the Asian one and the entrance. Touching up foliage, adding extra details...
Jappy, i start getting the feeling you're improving at the moment. Your composition is getting better with every screen i'm seeing! Keep it up, dude!
My main issue with this is continuity in the area. Mostly with the fences and how the rapids are made. Maybe one too many fence types and then you have the rapids barriers as brown monorails, then grey, then ran deco blocks and 1K ruins. I think sticking to strictly monorails and rocks/ruins are the way to go here. Would make things a bit more organic and would relieve things like that sharp corner on the rapids to the right.
Keep it up!
So good ! So vibrant. I love it.
I agree with Tom_Dj about the foliage, it doesn't feel like the congo jungle. In dense jungles, trees are more tall and thin with fanned out leaves rather than short and squat with thick bushy leaves. Maybe get rid of those rounded bushy trees and replace them with more jungle-like foliage?