The layering and color scheme, as i said above, are nice, but the structures themselves are off-putting. The stacked 2x2 only works so far before it starts feeling awkward. The contouring of the road and water ride are really nice composition though.
I'm kind of bored by the steampunk theme. We've seen it too many times in the past couple of years. The composition of the screen is really good, though. I love those tunnels and the road constuction.
I have to agree with all the critique that's been said thus far. I especially want to single out the 2x2ism comment; it's done well, but also very noticeable and comes off not exactly "amateur" but not "professional" either, if that make sense. Basically even just doing one 2x3 or just including some taller 1x1 towers could elevate this even more.
Color choices and the overall composition though is wonderful. Nice!
I love that green
Thats a very nice theme and color scheme
Love the dramatic elevation and layering.
Color choice is lovely, as is the layering that has been mentioned.
The layering and color scheme, as i said above, are nice, but the structures themselves are off-putting. The stacked 2x2 only works so far before it starts feeling awkward. The contouring of the road and water ride are really nice composition though.
I'm kind of bored by the steampunk theme. We've seen it too many times in the past couple of years. The composition of the screen is really good, though. I love those tunnels and the road constuction.
Don't forget to use the layout
lovely <3
I really enjoy the pink trees. Agree the layering is really awesome.
<3 pink trees
Agree with Sulakke about the use of the steampunk theme, but still a very good and interesting screen ofc!
Color choices and the overall composition though is wonderful. Nice!
Can't wait to see what the whole picture looks like. This is amazing. Love the colours!