Your stuff looks awesome! By the way, I should probably have told you sooner, but I kinda copied the tower idea from Louis!, so I don't think I deserve credit for that
A little bit flat-fronted... I'd recommend bringing the 3 wide building where the queue enters out by 1 tile. And i'd do the same with the 2 wide section in the middle of the semi circle of track.
I thought the same, but didn't found it bothering. I will think about it when I build my next bigger building. I personally liked the skull walls too tbh.
Your stuff looks awesome! By the way, I should probably have told you sooner, but I kinda copied the tower idea from Louis!, so I don't think I deserve credit for that
Looks okay, but the paths are really bland.
I kind of hate the skull wall, but that backside looks quite good.
A little bit flat-fronted... I'd recommend bringing the 3 wide building where the queue enters out by 1 tile. And i'd do the same with the 2 wide section in the middle of the semi circle of track.
Thanks for the feedback,
I thought the same, but didn't found it bothering. I will think about it when I build my next bigger building. I personally liked the skull walls too tbh.
Agree with Sulakke, paths are too bland and empty. But the rest is pretty good.