I think it looks great. My problems are the paths are quite angular and sharp and I'm not a big fan of the coaster colours, don't match the theme that well imo.
looking amazing, love the texture choices that have come from the bench, this is your best work by far, its different, i like that its forced you to change the way you would usually build and the objects you'd usually use.
Thanks for the kind words all. I'd agree that the textures on the bench are actually really good for the most part, it certainly makes it feel a lot more unique. I'd disagree that it's my best work, but thanks haha.
This has been submitted so it should be available for download pretty soon hopefully!
Really nice! The architecture is quite unique.
Love the textures on that pink building up front, definitely very refreshing when done right
Quite interesting! Foliage in particular looks surprisingly good!
Looks great. Nice.
I agree with Live on earths ass.
This was at 80% with 2 votes...now with 4 votes it's at 59%? With no real negative comments?
C'mon now...
I think it looks great. My problems are the paths are quite angular and sharp and I'm not a big fan of the coaster colours, don't match the theme that well imo.
trav solo work? complete? never!
looking amazing, love the texture choices that have come from the bench, this is your best work by far, its different, i like that its forced you to change the way you would usually build and the objects you'd usually use.
great stuff.
Thanks for the kind words all. I'd agree that the textures on the bench are actually really good for the most part, it certainly makes it feel a lot more unique. I'd disagree that it's my best work, but thanks haha.
This has been submitted so it should be available for download pretty soon hopefully!
Really cool. I like the look of that inclined helix around the rock.
I like it.