Screenshot / Elkwood Island
04-March 17
- Views 1,668
- Fans 2
- Comments 15
Pulled out of Tycoon Paraside (Realism) Server 1. Relatively unfinished, may do more work around the area since I have plenty of room. Foliage wasn't quite finished, but I thought I would get this up on NE because I will be lacking time here shortly.
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Oh shit this is an old version. Fuck it.
Just post more of the new version.
LOVE IT! Fav part is when the bobsled track peeks out from under the walkway, right by the way water. Great interaction!
Agree with Poke, not sure a new version was needed. Only critique are the white path railings, a more wooden/pole-style would fit better imo.
Not much different, just some change in some building color. Not a big deal. Also the first turn out of the bobsled station. In the original map I pulled this from, the area was built around a Woody, so I didn't make tunnel there since it wasn't visible anyway.
A little overkill on the windows, perhaps (not every piece of wall needs one!) but other than that I agree with the others, this looks very good. Nice atmosphere.
Good stuff, man. I think you can further improve this by developing an actual theme more (what am I looking at, other than brown buildings on a hill? Is there a concept behind it? if yes, communicate it better) and smoothening the path edges. The paths are super sharp lines right now whereas the architecture is pretty rusty and chaotic. Especially the white fences in the second screen are jarring.
Feels good, very unique, i really like it, maybe a bit chaotic though. And yeah, the white fences are not a good choice.
Where brown is a theme, this is gorgeous
Really cool. The texture choices are refreshing as is this kinda landscaping.