Screenshot / Haunted Harbor Update #1
03-March 17
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Here is a screen that has a CCI Woodie named Dirt Dobler with a tunnel with hill built in 2002! It may be small but it's compact, & packs a punch! Also I know that this may not be what you, & I think! It's just what I did is to make myself feel better when I'm in depressed sometimes!
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Needs more stuff. I see a bare tile near the SLC.
I like that you actually labeled one of the rides GCI as well. Honestly though this is not my cup of tea. Other than trying than trying to cram in as many messy rides as you can, I don't see how any design or thought went into this. The result is very unappealing if I may say so, and not really the kind of work NE revolves around. Are are your parks like this?
Is there a problem? What are you trying to say don't show my parks to this site? Im not trying to cause any trouble! But if you, or anybody don't want me to show my parks on this sit then fine! Just say so!
I do agree that there is really nothing appealing about that cramped screen. This site focuses on doing heavily themed RCT creations with the goal to be well designed and organized. This screen doesn't really fit into that in my opinion.
RMM Offline
does anybody else see the irony here?
historyfreak is playing this game the exact way it was intended to be played and everybody just can't wrap their head around why he won't immediately start over and comply to everybody else's expectations on how 'we' here at NE play this game.
this is a game rooted in creativity. it's art. there is no right or wrong way to do anything. he's not asking for advice on how to fit into the mold.
damn near everybody here comes here playing their kind of game and within a few months they fall victim to a sea of players who's work is indistinguishable from the next guys.
it's a bit refreshing actually to see this kind of work, for what it's worth.
now, historyfreak, i do recommend maybe taking a look at Evil WME's Mount Doom. it seems to be a middle ground between this "mess" and more traditional work done here. that park is 'controlled chaos', and it's just incredible to view.
this game is two decades old guys... we can't afford to chase everybody away who doesn't conform to what 95% of us do.
Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here remembering that the background of Chris Sawyer's site is a tiled Wooden Coaster...
I agree with Liam and I agree with RMM.
thank you RRM, & CoasterCreator9 Its just I have never got to do custom scenery parks in my life, & right now i am having a very hard time, & thought about showing my old parks! but do i need to quit showing my parks?
No, it's basically how we all played the game back in the old days... Minus the deathcoasters of course.
No, you don't. I like looking through old just-for-fun park files, but not everyone here is going to appreciate them as much as you and RMM do. Just something to keep in mind!
Definitely keep showing your screens! Just try to not post so many right after each other, right now 7 out of 15 screens on the front page are yours and people might get annoyed if you just spam screenshots.
Just noticed, you labled the prebuilt coaster "Woodpecker" as a GCI... Can anyone here tell me if this is accurate?
alright i understand, & im not expecting everybody to appreciate! ill just wait for 5 days for showing anymore!
This is pretty much what I was implying as well.
I agree to keep the output bearable. If you have a bunch of screens you want to share, just tack on the extra stuff in the comment section of an existing submission.
As for the style, you do you. We're not playing counter strike here....
Please don't post so many screens, that is 6 in one day. Its hard to give criticism if you post this many screens, many of which seem to be very low effort.