Screenshot / Pushing MOM to her limits
03-March 17
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Just giving this a test run, only took a few sessions to get to that point.. expect it will be pretty easy to fill the 250x250 map with this.
It's a fun little challenge, I dabbled with better scaled mountains in Wasteland, but now I want to do the absolute max height in the central mountains and branch out from there.. obviously with a bit more variety than what you see here.
Water is the real son of a bitch, you can't raise it with the land, so unless I find a work around there won't be any water features above the vanilla build limit. Not particularly interested in using water objects.
Anyway, not sure what will come of this but hopefully you guys get a kick out of the idea. -
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So you're essentially using MOM to create landscapes above the normally possible limits?
That looks epic.
@intamin - you're correct. it won't raise above the max, and raising both the land underneath and water on top results in some nasty glitching.
@coastercreator - that's the idea, I've wanted to do this for a long time but the relaxembourg release inspired me to give it a go. there should be some incredibly interesting macro forms you can achieve using this. it has limitations as well though. you could also use land blocks to do this of course, but I think actually utilizing the terrain tool is a lot more feasible.
@alex - thanks buddy, as more context gets added i think the image as a whole will become a lot more breathtaking.
Looks lovely, nice job! Now build the most epic alpine coaster of all time!!
What is MOM?
OMG this is epic, can you make it available for download? Would love to build something here.
@live - yeah not sure what I'll end up doing with it, but that may be the most fitting. The terrain draws its own inspiration which is nice, rather than me coming up with ideas.
@steve - this is a big concern actually, not sure how it will come out in the end.
@angroc - map object manipulation, it's a tool within 8cars, typically used for ride hacks and lowering path blocks.
@seph - shit. I can't actually run openrct2 yet, you may have to give it a test. that would certainly make this less of a challenge haha
@julow - thanks man, actually planning on completing it and utilizing it for myself. but if I lose motivation on it i'll be sure to send it your way.
If anyone were to build a coaster on this map, it should be Sephiroth. Maybe this map is also suitable for a contest.
That would be a cool incentive. To much flat parks around here, so seeing a bunch of coasters adapted to this map would be dope. We all gotta channel our inner FreeRider.