Screenshot / Stampida & TomaHawk
- 07-November 13
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Vais a cuchillo "expresion espaƱola" respuesta desmesurada al crimen cometido no mamenr
Stampida was the first attraction I started, if you look at the google map of Port Aventura, I continued developing the area Mexica ... and so on. Unlike clockwise closing the circle as Histerianament I do not think that attitude of yours is left fascist everything has k be labeled Jews are clear evidence. Im Jude talk my - Full-Size
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Cocoa Offline
If that's two seperate rides- one dueling woodie and one regular- I would highly consider changing the colors of one, because I don't really know what I'm looking at.
also... what is going on at the end of your description... forget that you copy pasted...something?
Louis! Offline
^Stampida and Tomahawk are both the same colour, recolouring one would ruin the recreation of the area.
and lol "labelled Jews are clear evidence"
Cocoa Offline
oh, I didn't realize it was a recreation.
don't worry though, he added "I'm Jude talk my," so there was nothing to worry about
csw Offline
Probably an error with Google translate or something.
ottersalad Offline
The scale of everything seems off.