This is what NCSO is about. Innovating with pieces in completely new ways (i.e. the entrance) to create something distinct and beautiful. Plus, everything else is organized thoughtfully. There's intention in every piece to create an environment that's cohesive, scenic, and smart. Only complaint is the gray candy used as stones, otherwise perfect.
those open doorways are one of the best single ideas i've seen in ncso in a long time. we do it in LL, I don't know why it took so long to get here, maybe because the tile inspector makes it a lot easier. idk. in combination with those pirate walls opens up so many possibilities. I used pirate windows in my last park but only sparsely because they're so hard to get right, but this makes it so much easier.
RMM Offline
that is beautiful.
Dude the entrance gates as spires is goddamn genius.
Lovely, just too dense, and the blue on the shutters doesn't work for me.
@Steve it's quite easy to do with OpenRCT's Tile inspector. If you get on the server sometime someone will explain it to you!
This is what NCSO is about. Innovating with pieces in completely new ways (i.e. the entrance) to create something distinct and beautiful. Plus, everything else is organized thoughtfully. There's intention in every piece to create an environment that's cohesive, scenic, and smart. Only complaint is the gray candy used as stones, otherwise perfect.
Good stuff, dude! I really like it! Maybe a bit too much tan though.
those open doorways are one of the best single ideas i've seen in ncso in a long time. we do it in LL, I don't know why it took so long to get here, maybe because the tile inspector makes it a lot easier. idk. in combination with those pirate walls opens up so many possibilities. I used pirate windows in my last park but only sparsely because they're so hard to get right, but this makes it so much easier.
I agree with posix regarding the blue. Rest is great, I especially like the greenery on the facade and the buttresses on the church.
Finest NCSO stuff i've seen in a while. So many good details and lovely foilage.