The only thing bugging me is the barrels on the left side of the building with the log fences for walls. That's not something easy to fix and a minor nitpick; everything else looks awesome!
There is a lot to like here (those banners, yeah, wow), but I wish we could do without that trademark canopy/theater-looking thing to the right of the screen. I understand it's a very Kumba thing to do and you seem to like doing them but half the appeal to this was that this looks very different from anything you've done. I think you should capitalize on that.
How did you create those banners? I can't tell.
The only thing bugging me is the barrels on the left side of the building with the log fences for walls. That's not something easy to fix and a minor nitpick; everything else looks awesome!
waterslides? i hate how the support curves down at the ground
otherwise looks cool
Yes, it's codex stacked water slides. Some good points I'll consider. This is mostly an old area.
Looks pretty darn good.
Way too much forced hacking. Good to see you're actually still working on this though.
This is so amazing, the only thing I do not like is the chess pieces.
Kumba and LL? whoaa =D