Screenshot / DRD Hotel Front


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    tantalizing! Very excited


    I know this is a horrible thing to say to you... but don't those grey arches look sort of... short? But I can imagine how much effort it would be to change :p


    also, trying out the rating screens system. fun. anyway to see who rated what?

  • Wanted%s's Photo

    Love it. I think the pond could do with some color instead of grey/black

  • Six Frags%s's Photo

    Yeah, they are kinda short, but peeps in rct2 are really small too.

    I always found the scaling rct2 is the most difficult part, and was trying to build on a smaller scale than I usually do, but I'm not sure it works :p

    But yeah, you're right, it's too late to change now :p

  • Sulakke%s's Photo

    The upper part of the hotel is perfect, but the path, the fountain and the arches of the hotel definitely need work, as they both seem very plain and don't captivate the Disney feeling. Try spicing them up by adding more details like benches and planters or other textures and colors. I don't like the tree either. Bad textures.


    Very excited to see more!

  • FredD%s's Photo

    Archy is great! I'd change the path, too much gray over there. Colorfull flowers/plants near the fountain would also help I guess.

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    The path could use some work, breaking it up etc, but the structure is very nice. Nice use of the curved walls.

  • Six Frags%s's Photo

    Yeah, I cut the screen kinda badly. When you see the whole of that section the pathing doesn't seem so boring tho :p

  • nin%s's Photo

    This  is great. The concrete is definitely overbearing though, Disney tend to fill their pathways with teexture, railings, etc. This path adds a bit too much gray and blends with the brick a bit too much. Easy fix, though.

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    This  is great. The concrete is definitely overbearing though, Disney tend to fill their pathways with teexture, railings, etc. This path adds a bit too much gray and blends with the brick a bit too much. Easy fix, though.



    Agreed. Either change the brick on the building to tan (as well as breaking up the path), or change the path out altogether. 

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