Very impressive work. Only complaints are that the deck of the ship seems too close to the water level and that the wonderful sea monster sculpture is obstructed by the coaster track
It's more of an escape out of the sea monster, but thanks.
csw: I know, but the ship is on fire so it's probably not seaworthy anymore anyway. The sculpturecan be seen from the path though, which is the most important.
that whole screen is just fun. I'd love to see more of those facades
that ship is definitely too close to the water, the deck should be quite a few feet above the surface, and then you can also put cannon portholes in it (and make it a bit longer maybe?)
Are those entrance/exit huts for a boat hire built into the wall? if so, it might help make that move obvious with a small dock in front of them, if not please ignore this.
Thanks guys. I don't know what's with the track shape, but if you came you might want to have that checked out.
I now made it a full sea monster with a part of its body sinking the ship and its tail destroying stuff.
Those are not exit,/entrance huts.
I love everything in this screen. The ship is the only thing that could be done better, its nearly as wide as it is long! The flow of the coaster is to die for, a turnaround element that I expect to see in many layouts to come! It is honestly a shame though that the direction of the ride isn't the other way around. I feel like going into the monster would be so much more exciting from a rider's point of view.
Either way I can absolutely see this in a park, love it!
RMM Offline
The drop into the sea monster looks incredibly fun.
Very impressive work. Only complaints are that the deck of the ship seems too close to the water level and that the wonderful sea monster sculpture is obstructed by the coaster track
It's more of an escape out of the sea monster, but thanks.
csw: I know, but the ship is on fire so it's probably not seaworthy anymore anyway. The sculpturecan be seen from the path though, which is the most important.
This looks really cool. Love the flow of that track out of the sea monster as well. Well done sir.
Whoa the way the track curves into the monster's mouth looks phenomenal. Ships not bad, could be better somehow. So many good ships these days.
that whole screen is just fun. I'd love to see more of those facades
that ship is definitely too close to the water, the deck should be quite a few feet above the surface, and then you can also put cannon portholes in it (and make it a bit longer maybe?)
That coaster shape is gorgeous. Sorry, but i'm gonna steal that, its too smooth for me not to orgasm over!
Also, SCULPTURES! I like it. That position for a sculpture is really difficult to deal with, but i think it's done well.
The seamonster is fantastic and the facades are really good but i think the scale of the ship is a bit off.
Are those entrance/exit huts for a boat hire built into the wall? if so, it might help make that move obvious with a small dock in front of them, if not please ignore this.
Thanks guys. I don't know what's with the track shape, but if you came you might want to have that checked out.
I now made it a full sea monster with a part of its body sinking the ship and its tail destroying stuff.
Those are not exit,/entrance huts.
I love everything in this screen. The ship is the only thing that could be done better, its nearly as wide as it is long! The flow of the coaster is to die for, a turnaround element that I expect to see in many layouts to come! It is honestly a shame though that the direction of the ride isn't the other way around. I feel like going into the monster would be so much more exciting from a rider's point of view.
Either way I can absolutely see this in a park, love it!
I really love that curve and drop and the smallness of the rock facade in the background. I agree with others about the ship.
Boat day
I love this park so much, so full of creativity