Screenshot / Echo Layout
- 24-September 16
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- Comments 7
Hi chaps!
Just wondering what you guys think about the layout for this ride. Inspired on the Smiler at Alton Towers and JimmyLaessig's screenshot.(
Went for something different in the end, but i'm happy with the layout overall. - Full-Size
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Austin55 Offline
Very cool that its not nearly a smiler lookalike and more spread out.
Chillsons Offline
The rating also!
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sneakyfrankie94 Offline
This is really neat! I'm very interested in how you're going to integrate path interaction. I also think that you could tighten it up in certain areas though however, where you have the large turns, I think you could use the smaller banked turns. This will make it flow a little better
Chillsons Offline
Same! Got a few ideas...
mintliqueur Offline
Looks good, I like the parallell lifts. A little overkill on the barrell rolls maybe but I suppose it's realistic given the type of coaster. Looking forward to see this themed and finished!
][ntamin22 Offline
Other than the double-barrel maybe being overkill, my only complaint is the tight turn after the first lift+drop.
F0ndue Offline
I feel like it could be a bit more compact and convoluted, but that is probably hard to achieve in RCT. Right now the whole layout is on a good way, but it feels a bit too angular. Maybe a fe more diagonals would help.