woah, vietnam! thats cool! welcome to the site
Is it a mosque?
I don't know, but ... it looks similar to a mosque?!?
welcome to Nedesigns, Maybe work with some custom objects, or try to add more details, it very simple now.
also the paths are to small.And I'm not a huge fan from those tulips
Good luck, hope you make some progress
Try to use some more colors other than white and green.
Oh no! I accidently pressed on the community vote bar...
Well, at least you have a good rating!
woah, vietnam! thats cool! welcome to the site
Wicksteed Offline
I don't know, but ... it looks similar to a mosque?!?
welcome to Nedesigns, Maybe work with some custom objects, or try to add more details, it very simple now.
also the paths are to small.And I'm not a huge fan from those tulips
Good luck, hope you make some progress
Try to use some more colors other than white and green.
Oh no! I accidently pressed on the community vote bar...
Well, at least you have a good rating!