good to hear it's nearly finished! I think you could add some more chunks of ice (land) dotted around. Might be worth seeing if some of the abstract objects/walls can be used too to make things look frozen.
I quite like it actually. Coaster supports seem sloppy though and every building looks like every building you've made in the past few yours. The icicles are a brilliant touch however. If you can make your architecture interesting again this park should be great. Why no brick buildings?
There's no denying the technical prowess of the work in this screen, but I agree it seems kind of dull, lifeless, but most of all not "freezy" enough. Some more blue elements would liven it up a bit, or maybe even just some more grey (but that would maybe blend too much with the path).
I have to agree with the other comments. At the actual park this is one of the most heavily themed areas in the park. It looks great but doesn't have the pop it's real life equivalent has.
good to hear it's nearly finished! I think you could add some more chunks of ice (land) dotted around. Might be worth seeing if some of the abstract objects/walls can be used too to make things look frozen.
Yea, can't say I'm much of a fan. Its just really dull for what it could be. Doesn't seem as strong as your normal work.
What is it with Mr. Freeze rides recently being so blandly themed? First gijssie1234's and now this one... This can be much better!
Yeah it seems very dull and bland. Not full of life like your screens are normally.
Nohing PAWPS. And I think it's just to much wood/rust. Doesn't give a freeze vibe to me.
Thats a lot of brown, black and greys. The blue tube doesnt particularly elegant either imo.
There's no denying the technical prowess of the work in this screen, but I agree it seems kind of dull, lifeless, but most of all not "freezy" enough. Some more blue elements would liven it up a bit, or maybe even just some more grey (but that would maybe blend too much with the path).
I have to agree with the other comments. At the actual park this is one of the most heavily themed areas in the park. It looks great but doesn't have the pop it's real life equivalent has.